

1 :: Where do I get skins?

You can get skins from The skins can be viewed by title, rating or date submitted. Additionally, you can rate the skins in the archive yourself.   When you find a skin you like, download it to your hard disk.

2 :: Ok, I downloaded the skin, now how do I add it to Sonique?

There are several ways to install a skin you have downloaded.  The preferred method is to simply right click on a skin file (skin files have a .sgf extension) and select "install into Sonique."  This will automatically move the skin file into your Sonique skins Folder.  You may also manually place skin files into the Sonique skins folder by moving or copying .sgf files to ../sonique/skins.  You may also just double-click skin files to immediately apply them to Sonique.  This method will not add the skin to your skins folder however.   To view and apply skins that are in your Sonique skins folder click  Setup Options from the main menu.  There is a skins tab on the right side of the window (if you don't see a skins tab, Click the GENERAL button at the bottom of the screen).   Click the skins tab and a thumbnail of the skin that is currently being used will appear, as well as information about the current skin. Use the big up and down arrows to change between the different skins that you have installed. Click the back arrow "" (or click the right mouse button) and the selected skin will be applied.  For additional help using skins, visit the help area on the web site -

3 :: How do I make my own skins?

The way to get started with making skins is to go to the designer area ( and download the skinpack. Contained in the skinpack are all the files that you need to start making skins. You can use the feature in the Skinmaker (the skin designer tool) to submit your skin to the skin archive. Or, if you are bold and daring, you can enter Scir's Skin-O-Rama skin contest. We give out cool prizes to the author of the best skin every week.


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